Hello friends.
I know you are all wondering if or when we will return to in-person groups. I don’t have an answer yet, but I want to share with you, what I am thinking.
- We will not return to in-person groups until we feel that it is safe! You are important to us, so we will be very cautious and conservative with your health and safety.
- When we do decide to begin in-person sessions, we will do it slowly and in phases. We will start with small groups only and disinfect thoroughly and often.
- We will continue to offer online sessions indefinitely so you can continue to connect and participate from the safety of your home.
- We strongly urge you to follow the CDC guidelines and the guidelines set out by the city and state. In Florida, some establishments have opened but social distancing restrictions are still in place, masks are required in many places, and most importantly, the CDC still urges those in the at-risk category to stay at home unless necessary!
- Our meeting locations: senior centers, libraries, and many churches, are still closed. Even when they begin to open, we will follow our own policy and guidelines.
Thank you for all your support, understanding, and participation in our online sessions during this time. We look forward to seeing you in person when it is safe to do us.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me!