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  5. Overcome Disabilities, Vote Confidently & Secretly!

Vote!Today’s primary election in Florida is the prelude to the big day when we will all vote for our next President! But if you have trouble reading, using a stylus or pen, or some other disability, it might be hard for you to vote on your own, without help.

Every citizen has the right to vote secretly, with confidence. So we want to make sure that everyone knows some of the tools and technologies that are available to help.

In Pinellas County, Florida, like in many other places, special voting machines are available that can:

  • read the ballot out loud to you via headphones
  • read out loud your choices so you can be confident of your vote
  • make the print bigger on the ballot
  • change the way you mark the ballot, if you have trouble moving your arm or hand.

We want to give everyone a chance to try these tools and learn the best way to vote independently come the big day in November! So join us for a free demonstration:

Wednesday, April 27
11:00 am
Sunshine Center, 1st floor auditorium

330 5th Street North
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Free Event, Open to the Public
Register Here for More Information

In the mean time, check out this video about the AutoMark voting machine.