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  5. Submit your poetry about aphasia

Do you have a favorite poem that expresses your experience with aphasia? Have you written a poem about aphasia? We are seeking your submissions for an extraordinary event that will take place on March 24 in St Petersburg, FL.

Aphasia’s Got Talent: 2018 Poetry Bash will feature poetry that is performed by, written by, or selected by people living with aphasia. If you know of a poem that expresses how you feel as someone living with aphasia, please submit it. If  you have written a poem about living with aphasia, please submit it. We would welcome you at our event to read/perform your poem, or we will ask someone we know to share your poem at the event.

Go to our website to submit your poem. You’ll need to know:

  1. Your name and contact information
  2. If you are willing to have us publish your poem online.
  3. If you would like your name published or not.

We cannot include poetry that does not have a designated author or source.

Look at this example:


By Noah Capurso

We are taught that the brain
Is a set of highways;
Corpus callosum,
Optic radiation.

But there are other roads, as well.
Scenic neural backroads
That are hidden from view;
Dusty and seldom used.

Sometimes we can see them
When the highways are down;
From cancer,
Or a stroke.

Our patient had a brain tumor.
We tested her highways
With a feather drawing;
“What is this?” we asked her.

And the answer she gave
Came by the scenic route;
“A leaf
That fell
From a bird.”