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  5. VHA Announces Dr. Jackie Hinckley as...

Jackie HinckleyThe Board of Voices of Hope for Aphasia is pleased to announce Dr. Jacqueline Hinckley as its new Executive Director. She brings more than two decades of experience in the nonprofit sector, specializing in the development of innovative programs for people living with stroke and aphasia.

“We have every confidence that Dr. Hinckley will continue to develop our organization to meet its mission, ensuring that people living with aphasia have the support they need to return to activities in the community and to active social lives,” said Ken Bado, President of the Board of Directors of Voices of Hope for Aphasia. “We are thrilled to have her on our team,” added Mike Caputo, Founder of the organization.

“I am honored to join Voices of Hope for Aphasia,” said Hinckley, “and to be part of the expansion of services that will help the estimated 7,500 Pinellas citizens who are living with this communication disability.”

Dr. Hinckley’s previous positions include Director of the Aphasia Program at the University of Michigan, and she also directed aphasia research and education at the University of South Florida for 10 years. She is internationally recognized as an expert in living with aphasia, with numerous publications and conference presentations. She has served on the Executive and Advisory Boards of the National Aphasia Association, the Secretariat of the international organization Aphasia United, and on the Executive Board of the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences. Hinckley received her doctorate at Michigan State University and her Master’s degree at the University of Michigan.