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  5. How to Vote in Florida If...

automark-machineSure, Florida has taken a bum rap in years past for voting procedures (hanging chads, anyone?), but now Florida has great procedures to help everyone vote – including people with print or language disabilities, like aphasia.

Here are four steps for getting communication support to vote in Florida.

  1. Go to the polls on election day. Ask to use the AutoMark machine.
  2. If you want to hear the ballot and instructions read to you, request the headphones.
  3. Mark your ballot with the touchscreen. Other options are available if you need them.
  4. Enter the ballot into the scanner.
  5. You’ve voted!

Here are some other things you should know.

  • If you register to vote in Florida, you can mark “assistance needed” and you will get it at the polls!
  • You can fill out a short form on the day of the election at the polls, and bring someone with you to help you vote.
  • You can ask a poll worker to help you understand how to use the adaptive equipment.
  • You can request a mail-in ballot, and have someone at home help you vote.

Here at Voices of Hope for Aphasia, we are trying to help our members vote independently, secretly, and confidently by showing them how to go to the polls and vote on their own!